Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Homeopathic Acne Treatment

Today homeopathic acne treatment is becoming more and more popular. Homeopathic treatment address problems from the base to root it out at the source. It is a safe and sound treatment because it uses only natural ingredients, there are no side effects, no alcohol and no drowsiness. Though it might not be as effective as allopathic medicines, it targets the base which will definitely be successful in the long run.

The thing homeopaths would ask you is about stress, hereditary factors and general environment before he goes to prescribes. Homeopathic medicine consists of naturally occurring compounds like calendula, kali brichomicum, and hepar sulfuricum as well as graphite, silicea, and sulphur.

Homeopathy provides several natural and effective remedies to acne sufferers. By undergoing homoeopathic treatment, you will notice a drying up of pimples and reduction in the number of existing acne. Other associated symptoms like pain, burning and itching will also go away. Besides, you will see the improvement in skin texture.

The external eruption that we see is sign of the internal disorder of the body. Therefore acne should not be treated by applying creams and ointments on skin surface only. Instead, this skin disorder should be treated holistically. Homoeopathic system attempts to stimulate the body's own natural healing capacity with Homoeopathic remedies acting as a trigger for the body's own healing forces.

Homeopaths not only examine patient's skin thoroughly but also ask their hobbies, likes and dislikes, temperament, the quality of sleep etc. Indicators such as the patient's personal circumstances are all considered important.

The consultation may include an evaluation of the three homeopathic indications:

1. stature, build, complexion and stamina
2. mental indications such as a tendency to be anxious or irritable
3. characteristics of the acne problem.

When you start taking the prescribed homeopathic medicines, at first, you will notice a temporary outbreak in your symptoms. This is the sign that the treatment of treating like with like is working.

After some time you will start noticing encouraging signs of an improvement. The texture of your skin will improve and roughness, itchiness and redness will be noticeably decreased. The burning sensations will be considerably less. Over a period of months, your complexion and skin condition will keep improving continually.


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